Welcome to the Team App for Tarragindi Tigers

TeamApp is the communications platform that TTFC will be using in 2023 and will be part of the mandatory registration process in order to receive club-wide notifications such as wet weather field closures.
TeamApp is available on both Apple and Android devices, with a website for use on a computer.

Managers and Coaches will see the fantastic features of this free App to make communicating with their team a breeze. Benefits include: calendar dates - training and game details, allowing players to indicate availability for games by using the RSVP feature, using the Draw and Ladder features to keep your team updates, using the Chat feature instead of texting the team or selected players, sharing photos among their team and more.

Joining Team App for Tarragindi Tigers

You can access the app from here http://tarraginditigers.teamapp.com

  1. Join TeamApp (click link to see instructions)
  2. Use TeamApp (click link to see instructions)
  3. Stay up to date!
  4. Coaches/Team Managers click here for Hints and Tips to help you set up Calendar Events for your Team using TT's Team App
  5. Coaches/Team Managers click here for information on Duty Roster feature, handy for arranging canteen duty volunteers

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If you use Apple Calendar, Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook, you can Subscribe to your team's Team App Calendar and integrate it with any of the mentioned calendars.  Simply go to Team App on your device or the website.  Then go to Calendar.  On your device, click on the 3 vertical dots top right corner, then click on Subscribe, then click on “Click here to subscribe” and you are done.  On the Team App website, go to Calendar and see the Subscribe button to the top right of the calendar entries, then click on “Click here to subscribe” and you are done. 

A reminder if entering Calendar entries for your team, please start the entry with the team’s age group, e.g. U10 or U13 as this allows families with multiple teams to differentiate between calendar entries.

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