Fair Play Vouchers

Tarragindi Tigers are a registered Club for the Fair Play Queensland Government initiative. Click here to find out if you qualify https://www.qld.gov.au/recreation/sports/funding/fairplay

These can be used for our regular season and also our 7-a-side season.


FairPlay vouchers is one of the initiatives of Activate! Queensland. FairPlay replaces the program formerly known as Get Started Vouchers.

What is the program about?

Parents, carers or guardians can apply for a voucher valued up to $150 for their child, which can be used towards sport and active recreation membership, registration or participation fees with registered activity providers.

There is a limit of 1 voucher per child per calendar year.

Who is eligible to apply?
Eligible applicants are Queensland children and young people aged 5 to 17 (inclusive) who either:
  • is a Queensland resident aged from 5 to 17 years (inclusive) at the time of application
  • did not receive a FairPlay voucher this year
  • holds, or whose parent, carer or guardian holds, a valid Department of Human Services Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card with the child’s name on it.

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