Senior Men - Qld Masters Football - Over 35's

Queensland- Masters- Football- Banner

In line with the club's desire to provide "football for life", in 2021 we are offering players over the age of 35 a couple of options Div 3 and Div 7;

Games are on Friday night both HOME and AWAY, with training Monday and Wednesday night (optional)

Season runs from late March to late September, approx 22 games, playing teams from South, South-East, South-West Brisbane.

$440 registration for the 2021 season. Game jerseys are provided, you'll need black playing shorts, white (div 3) or black (div 7) socks, boots, shinpads.

O35 Griffins (Div 3)
Please contact Andy Parker for further details.
M: 0427 663 617

O35 Crownies (Div 6)
Please contact Stuart Allan for further details.


Training – Monday (Esher St) and Wednesday (HPSHS) from 7.30pm to 9pm 

Fees - $440

Registration - Opens 4 January 2021