Senior Men - 2025 FQPL5

Community Club

TTFC is a community club run by volunteers. We require your support in a variety of ways so we can continue to keep kicking goals together. There are a number of ways in which you can help and every little bit counts – various volunteer roles including; team manager, team coach, canteen duty, BBQ duty, and working bees. The Committee meets once a month for a couple of hours and is always looking for anyone who would have an interest in the future development of the club. We are always looking for individuals who may have time to help organise activities at the club. Some of the currently vacant positions can be found here. If your interested in assisting with an occupied position please let us know we are sure they wouldn't mind some help.

Please contact the Chairman on if you can help.

Code of Conduct

Our club requires all members follow FFA's Code of Conducts. Details of these codes can be clicking on the links below: 

§  Code of Conduct for Players

§   Code of Conduct for Parents and Spectators

§   Code of Conduct for Coaches and Managers

Wet Weather Information


When there are rainy days, the committee analyses both Esher St 2 and HPSHS 3 to evaluate if there has been enough drainage, as well as player safety during training. 

TTFC asks for your patience on wet weather days up until 3:30-4:00pm when decisions will be decided. 

When fields are closed and training is cancelled, it is because of player safety and field longevity for game days and for training for the 2020 season. 

The first place to visit is the website, checking the field status side panel; social media (Facebook mainly, and Twitter) are the next places to check updates. 

The Club thanks all the players and parents during days like these with your patience. 


When games are at HOME, announcements on weekends should hopefully be announced in the mornings. 

When they are AWAY, it is up to the home club. 

Please check the following links below to check other clubs field status when playing AWAY



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